We at Westford strive to offer cutting edge state of art quality services of various kinds to our customers.
We at Westford strive to offer cutting edge state of art quality services of various kinds to our customers.
It’s a well known fact that in many a situations the factories godowns and other risks are not properly/adequately covered , and mostly its discovered after some loss has happened . Our team of experts help in analysing your risk and suggest.
Your loved one has just come back from Hospital after a debilitating illness , everybody is happy . Now you put up your Insurance claim – the claim is rejected /reduced due to some clauses in the policy or some document was not the way it should be.
The second scene – There is a fire in your factory, the factory which you have built with your sweat and blood , and you suffer a loss of say 70 lacs , survey happens , documents submitted . But finally you find that the claim is rejected or reduced by a big amount . WHY because you have not been able to submit proper documents.
In both the cases its not your fault . In most of the cases the Insurance policy wordings are still very legal and archaic and then there is always the omnipresent * .
This is where Westford comes in , we are Technical broker who have professionals of all hues in our rolls – from Engineers to CAs to Lawyers to Doctor
We will handle your Insurance claim , be it a Fire Claim or a Hospitalisation one , and ensure that you get what is due to you.
Once we do the basic gap analysis and policy audit, we plan for the risk management studies , We believe that risk management is a very important activity , Insurance is a subset of risk management , a proper risk management regime not only makes a plant safe , it helps in reducing cost and avoid claims.
Based on the type of Industry we suggest the specific study, of course some studies like Thermography may be common for all industries , studies like energy audit, fire safety audit, LOPA, HAZOP may also be suggested.
If you would like more information about WESTFORD, request a call back and a member of our team will be in contact at a time convenient for you.
Its often said that "The Insurance Industry's main focus has to be claim settlement , rest all is incidental "
If desired by the corporates , we also provide services towards briefing sessions in Insurance & related matters to our clients and their staff.
We provide on site support for the personal insurances for the staff of our corporate clients.